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Engine : General Subjects - 76/1128
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Back injuries are one of the most common injuries that result in lost work time. What is the proper technique for lifting an object?
A) Bend over and grasp the object firmly. While keeping the legs straight, lift the object by straightening the back. Move the object while standing erect and keep object away from the body.
B) Bend the knees and grasp the object loosely. While keeping the back straight, lift the object by straightening the legs. Move the object while standing erect and keep object away from the body.
C) Bend over and grasp the object loosely. While keeping the legs straight, lift the object by straightening the back. Move the object while standing erect and keep object close to the body.
D) Bend the knees and grasp the object firmly. While keeping the back straight, lift the object by straightening the legs. Move the object while standing erect and keep object close to the body.
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