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Deck : Rules of the Road - 1951/1025
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BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which is TRUE for a vessel using a traffic separation scheme?
A) only anchor in the separation zone
B) use the separation zone for navigating through the scheme if she is hindering other traffic due to her slower speed
C) avoid crossing traffic lanes, but if obliged to do so, shall cross on as small an angle as is practical
D) avoid anchoring in areas near the termination of the scheme
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fbpdplt - 2024-02-23 13:23:25
Member (11)
D is the correct answer (rule#10 -g -inland & international
gravitaspackaging - 2023-07-31 03:47:29
Registered (3)
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gravitaspackaging - 2023-07-31 03:46:28
Registered (3)
Polypropylene woven bags are known for their cost-effectiveness, making them a budget-friendly packaging option for businesses. Additionally, advancements in manufacturing technology have led to the development of eco-friendly PP woven bags, incorporating recycled materials or biodegradable additives to reduce environmental impact. <a href="www.gravitaspackaging.net/polypropylene-bags-manufacturer/">Polypropylene woven bags</a>
alexshawn - 2023-05-26 06:29:39
Registered (3)
I saw in a magzine about this and the c is correct accordingly perfectvape coupon
Margate - 2022-03-01 12:52:46
Member (9)
C is wrong: Join traffic lane as small an angle as possible. Cross traffic lane as close to right angle as possible.
DDion - 2022-01-27 17:13:49
Member (6)
Come on! Both C and D are correct.
mikepenate1 - 2022-01-27 15:32:37
Member (5)
c is also correct
Seahunt - 2020-03-11 10:07:50
Member (5)
Rule 10 (c) is also correct neither answer is word for word from the rules
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