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Question #1520
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Assuming the inspection interval for a boiler as specified by 46 CFR 61 is 2.5 years, which statement is true?
A) Two tests are required over a 5 year period, and no more than 2 years can elapse between any test or inspection and its immediate predecessor.
B) Three tests are required over a 5 year period, and no more than 1 year can elapse between any test or inspection and its immediate predecessor.
C) Three tests are required over a 5 year period, and no more than 2 years can elapse between any test or inspection and its immediate predecessor.
D) Two tests are required over a 5 year period, and no more than 3 years can elapse between any test or inspection and its immediate predecessor.
Posted: 21 Nov 2022 11:53 UTC  Post #1
Deck & Engine
Total Posts: 11
46 CFR ยง 61.05-10 - Boilers in service.
it actually says that at the bottom of the table in the CFR.
Posted: 16 Nov 2023 07:11 UTC  Post #2
Deck & Engine
Total Posts: 1
i can't understant what are you saying, source <a href="https://webdesigningworld.com/website-development/">shopify ecommerce website development </a>
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