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Forums > Deck > Rules of the Road Question 4129 is incorrect
Rules of the Road Question 4129 is incorrect
Posted: 25 Aug 2012 19:15 UTC  Post #1
Total Posts: 2
Question 4129 is wrong (or I experienced a glitch in the system).

The question states:
"BOTH INTERNATIONAL & INLAND Which vessel MUST show two masthead lights in a vertical line?"
I answered: "A power-driven vessel less than 50 meters in length with a 20 meter tow"
What it said was the answer: "A vessel not under command"
This is clearly incorrect as Rule 24 Towing and Pushing (a)(i) states: "...two masthead lights in a vertical line."
Rule 27 (a) does not specify any masthead lights for vessels not under command. 27(a)(i) states: "two all-around red lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen," not masthead lights.

Other available are answers: "A sailing vessel towing a small vessel astern" or "A vessel engaged in dredging"

(I would have commented on the question but was not logged in and after I logged in I got a different question when I went back.)
Last edited: 25 Aug 2012 19:16 CDT by harryh
Posted: 25 Aug 2012 19:33 UTC  Post #2
Total Posts: 2
I experienced a glitch on another question but after refreshing the page and answering again the problem fixed itself. I'm assuming this is the same thing that happened here.
Posted: 22 Apr 2022 01:38 UTC  Post #3
Deck & Engine
Total Posts: 75
What I felt while reading this article is that you've done a lot of challenges and realized a lot of things. I have to learn such a great attitude, but I'll try.안전놀이터
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