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What is Letroz 2.5 MG Tablet?
Posted: 22 Feb 2023 00:51 UTC  Post #1
Deck & Engine
Total Posts: 11
Letroz 2.5 MG Tablet is primarily used to treat Breast Cancer in Post-Menopausal Women. Sometimes, excess Estrogen in the body can stimulate Cancerous Cells to grow in the Breast. It is commonly used to treat estrogen-dependent Tumors.

Letroz 2.5 MG Tablet belongs to a group of drugs called Aromatase Inhibitors that prevents the conversion of Androgen to Estrogen in women. In Menopausal Women, the Ovaries do not produce Estrogen. Instead, the Body Fat, using a Protein called Aromatase, produce it. Letroz 2.5 MG Tablet inhibits the production of Estrogen and thus prevents the growth of a Tumor.
It also increases the thickness of the Endometrium and improves Follicular development in the Ovaries. This medication can also induce Ovulation in females if they are unable to do so naturally. Sometimes, this drug can be also prescribed to men with Breast Cancer. It is only prescribed if the biopsy shows Oestrogen Receptors within the cells.
Letroz 2.5 MG Tablet helps to reduce chances of Cancer returning to the same breast or metastasize. It can be taken as a tablet, once a day for 5 days, with or without food. No experience with letrozole overdose has been reported. In single-dose studies, the highest dose used was 30 mg, which was well tolerated.
Lethalit y was observed in mice and rats following single oral doses that were greater than or equal to 2000 mg/kg (~4000 to 8000 times the maximum daily doses recommended in humans); death was associated with reduced motor activity, ataxia, and dyspnea.
Lethality was observed in cats following single I.V. doses that were greater than or equal to 10 mg/kg (~50 times the maximum daily dose recommended in humans): death was preceded by depressed blood pressure and arrhythmias.

Firm recommendations for treatment are not possible; emesis could be induced if the patient is alert. In general, supportive care and frequent monitoring of vital signs are appropriate. Take as directed, without regard to food.

You may experience nausea, vomiting, or loss of appetite (frequent mouth care, frequent small meals, chewing gum, or sucking lozenges may help); musculoskeletal pain or headache (mild analgesics may offer relief); sleepiness, fatigue, or dizziness (use caution when driving, climbing stairs, or engaging in tasks that require alertness until response to drug is known); constipation (increased exercise, or dietary fruit or fluids may help); diarrhea (boiled milk or yogurt may help); loss of hair (will grow back).
Report chest pain, palpitations, or swollen extremities; vaginal bleeding or hot flashes; unusual coughing or difficulty breathing; severe nausea; muscle pain; or skin rash.


This medicine is primarily used for the following condition:
Breast Cancer

Side Effect

Some of the side effects caused by this medication are
Hot Flashes
Bone Pain
Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain
Fl ushing
Ed ema (Swelling)

Dosag e of Letroz 2.5

Are there any missed dose instructions?

It is advised not to miss any dose. If you missed any dose, you should contact your doctor immediately.
Are there any overdose instructions?

See k emergency medical treatment or contact the doctor in case of an overdose.

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