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Gmdss_e3 : Element 3 - 421/605
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What is the frequency range of the marker beacon system used to indicate an aircraft's position during an Instrument Landing System (ILS) approach to an airport's runway?
A) The outer, middle, and inner marker beacons' UHF frequencies are unique for each ILS equipped airport to provide unambiguous frequency-protected reception areas in the 329.15 to 335.00 MHz range.
B) The outer marker beacon's carrier frequency is 400 MHz, the middle marker beacon's carrier frequency is 1300 MHz, and the inner marker beacon's carrier frequency is 3000 MHz.
C) The outer, the middle, and the inner marker beacon's carrier frequencies are all 75 MHz but the marker beacons are 95% tone-modulated at 400 Hz (outer), 1300 Hz (middle), and 3000 Hz (inner).
D) The outer, marker beacon's carrier frequency is 3000 kHz, the middle marker beacon's carrier frequency is 1300 kHz, and the inner marker beacon's carrier frequency is 400 kHz.
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