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Deck : Rules of the Road - 2020/1025
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INTERNATIONAL ONLY Which light(s) shall a single vessel being towed alongside show?
A) A masthead light, sidelights, and a stern light
B) Only the outboard sidelight and a stern light
C) Sidelights and a stern light
D) One all-round white light
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JayhawkNavy02 - 2018-09-15 08:21:36
Member (72)
Disregard my web browser is messed up
JayhawkNavy02 - 2018-09-14 13:44:14
Member (72)
Rule 24(f)(ii) states, "a vessel being towed alongside shall exhibit a stern light and at the forward end, sidelights" therefore how is the correct answer not (C)?
pfibkins - 2018-04-15 18:56:37
Expired Member (33)
24 f - for INT. NOT FOR INLAND
rahulsh - 2017-04-29 22:56:59
Registered (1)
Yes i think me too
jrmuniz - 2016-05-07 00:37:11
Member (16)
I think I did OK
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