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It's not enough to just kill a single monster to increase
Posted: 30 Aug 2021 01:37 UTC  Post #1
Deck & Engine
Total Posts: 3

It's not enough to just kill a single monster to increase the level of your attack. You must kill hundreds or thousands of them in order to increase your experience. It is possible to kill all the creatures, but it wouldn't be effective. This is the case for any skill. Whether you are cutting trees or mining ores, hunting salamanders, crafting runes, making summoning pouches or making cannonballs, training is all about repetition. Running in RuneScape is more about repetition than ability to think critically and develop life skills. Everything is dependent on how fast you're able to complete the task. This is the thing that the current skill set has in common and what the new skill might be able to avoid.

This brings me back to an incident I made months ago, when Bachelor Fridge came out. My buddies and I discussed about the enthusiasm of Jagex for strategy games. FunOrb's new games often focus on strategies. Jagex has acquired this approach over time. Some are successful and some are not.

While I don't think the new skill will be called "Strategy" however, I am not going to try to guess the name of the skill. But I believe that this skill might have some strategy component. It's no longer the case that RuneScape is a simple process of clicking and repeating. Strategies will be an ability of its own, but it will also influence all other skills also!

I will attempt to describe a possible way this could work. Since the new skill will enhance all existing skills, I believe that there will be some aspects of each skill that can be an option to choose a strategy, or that you can learnhow to create new items. For instance, you could observe that some tasks, like mining and cooking, might have an Strategy On/Off button. This allows you to activate or disallow strategy mode.

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