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Now that botting appears to have changed into the public business
Posted: 11 Oct 2020 23:08 UTC  Post #1
Deck & Engine
Total Posts: 9
Now that botting appears to have changed into the public business, I have included a survey in this subject to find out if any of you have been a part of these new'Player Bots', but do not worry, it is anonymous. I am just curious what everyone's opinion is about if botting has increased, decreased, or stayed the same, and any of you have been enticed into it in the past. So, what exactly do I mean by'First Amendment'? Well, I mean meeting a person for an initial time. It can be someone's friend that he's said will sell you some things you need, or it might be a complete stranger that you meet while murdering Fire Giants. Whoever it was, where ever it was, you have to have decided just after meeting them should you would like to create a friendship or keep talking to them, or remain cold and quiet. There's some questions at the end that you reply as usual, enjoy!

The Start. From as far ago as I remember, I judged someone on their Combat level at first. This told me if they had been an experienced player, who could maybe help me who I could only talk to. The Combat level proved to be a fantastic indicator when I had been, well a noob, let's be honest. I had no idea what Rune Armour was or that the remarkable cape they were sporting needed Legend's Quest to buy and wear. seriously!

Diffen t Types of People. Skillers could have a huge amount of overall experience and great levels, but be under level 70. To address this, I learnt from those outfits; the fine capes they were wearing were infact Skillcapes, which needed level 99 at a skill to get one! For this I respected people with these capes hugely, my highest stat was about 34.

Pures might have a huge amount of combat experience, with several stats like Strength, Ranged and Magic at level 99 nevertheless be level 75-85. I thought that was weird and pointless, I still do, but that I needed to differentiate between Pures along with other gamers. I turned to two items here; the title and also what they wore. In case the name was something like,'X mxrng3pk X' (if this is your name, sorry) and their combat level was rather low, then I might separate them as a possible . Then I looked at what they wore, if it was Ranged equipment, or when they were alching, I was pretty sure they might be a pure, so that's pures sorted.

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