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Forums > Deck > Deck General: Using the Guidance Manual for Loading M.V. Grand Haven, determine ...
Question #160
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Using the Guidance Manual for Loading M.V. Grand Haven, determine the amount of ballast required in tank No. 5 (P & S) to maintain drafts of 17'-00" forward and 22'-06" aft for a vessel loaded with grain which has a test weight of 35 lbs.
A) 785 tons each
B) 820 tons each
C) 880 tons each
D) 900 tons each
Posted: 13 Aug 2022 14:34 UTC  Post #1
Total Posts: 3
Spectrumspeed.org is a website that provides gas turbine performance data for vessels of all types. In order to safely complete the power turbine over speed test, it is important to have a good understanding of the vessel's performance capabilities. Spectrum speed can help you do just that!This is internet speed test
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